Alternative Treatments for Heartburn

With recent studies linking commonly used heartburn medication to an increased risk in dementia, older adults who suffer acid reflux or heartburn may be looking for other ways to control their symptoms.

Heartburn drugs that use PPI (proton pump inhibitors) such as Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid,  which are often prescribed to treat heartburn, have also linked with a higher risk of chronic kidney disease.

Untreated, acid reflux can cause scar tissue to build up in the esophagus and may lead to an increased risk of pre-cancerous cells developing.  The scar tissue can also narrow the esophagus resulting in difficulty swallowing.  Stomach acid may also erode the tissue in the gullet, causing open sores to form.

So what’s the alternative to medication you ask?

Obesity, smoking, asthma and diabetes are some of the risk factors for acid reflux and heartburn.  By losing weight, stopping smoking and controlling asthma and diabetes under the care of a physician, heartburn can be better controlled.  If you have acid reflux or heartburn more than once or twice a week regularly, it is important to talk with your doctor about the possibility of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and seek treatment.

Alternative Heartburn Treatments

  • According to the Mayo Clinic, some herbal remedies including licorice, slippery elm, chamomile and marshmallow may offer relief.  It is important to speak with a doctor before taking any herbal medicine.
  • Stress and anxiety have been connected with increased reflux and heartburn symptoms; relaxation techniques including visualization and breathing exercises may help calm symptoms.
  • Some people have found success using acupuncture to alleviate symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn but no clinical evidence supports this claim to date.
  • Sleeping on your left side may help prevent acid from rising up the esophagus at night while stomach sleeping may worsen symptoms.
  • Eating smaller meals may prevent heartburn.
  • Chewing sugarless gums increases saliva production which is alkaline and may help neutralize stomach acid.
  • Wearing loose fitting cloths may help prevent pressure on the stomach, causing acid reflux.
  • Good posture, standing up straight, keeps stomach acid where is belongs.  Avoid lying down right after a meal.
  • Research has found that Melatonin has been shown to reduce discomfort associated with heartburn.

Always speak with your doctor before taking any supplements or herbal remedies.