Concierge Services for Seniors Surge in Pandemic

In the weeks following a holiday weekend, it seems prudent for older adults and people with underlying health conditions to stay home as much as possible and wears a mask in public.  For those who don’t have family or friends nearby to deliver groceries or run errands, a personal concierge service might be the answer for seniors who don’t want to put themselves at risk for COVID-19 infection.  

A sharp uptick of COVID-19 cases following Memorial Day weekend celebration suggests it’s likely that the United States and possibly Canada will see another spike in the number of coronavirus illnesses within the next few weeks.  If that is the case, many restrictions on gatherings and openings of public spaces will most likely return.  Already in states like Florida, Texas, and California, surges in COVID-19 cases have forced the shut-down of in-person dining and alcohol consumption.  

According to a recent ABC News report, concierge services have been experiencing a spike in their business, helping seniors with shopping, errands, or pet care.  Some concierge or lifestyle management businesses are offering seniors a discount during the pandemic to make sure they have what they need at an affordable cost.  

Most concierge services cater to busy working professionals who lack the time to shop for groceries, get an oil change, take pets to the groomer, walk the dog, or pick up dry cleaning.  But during recent months of physical distancing, more at-risk elderly adults are relying on personal assistant services.   

When hiring an assistant to take over the to-do list outside of the home, it’s important to check references.  Unfortunately, scammers take advantage of older adults more frequently during a crisis. 

As the number of older adults continues to grow, family caregivers are put under greater stress sandwiched between caring for elderly parents, working, and raising a family.  Elder concierge services help fill in the gaps and are especially helpful for distanced caregivers.  Personal concierge jobs are also a good fit for newly-retired baby boomers who want to stay active and engaged while earning extra money.  

Learn more by following this link to the International Concierge and Lifestyle Management Network website.