Death Cleaning Guide Not As Macabre As It Sounds

The world has been captivated by a recent interest in decluttering, simplifying and organizing as demonstrated by the huge success of the KonMari Method and the New York Times best selling guide, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up:  The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.  After decades of a more is more attitude, western society was primed for something new and aging adults buried in possessions were ready to take on the challenge, ridding themselves of things that do not “spark joy”, make you happy or fulfill a need.

Purging and organizing is not only beneficial for seniors who may trip and fall over excessive clutter,  Marie Kondo also believes putting your belongings in careful order will allow for personal growth, can offer a new perspective and may even result in some surprising transformations.   

Taking this whole simplify and organizing frenzy to a new level, Swedish Death Cleaning is gaining momentum across Scandinavia.  Based on the principles outlined in Margareta Magnusson’s book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning:  How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter (releasing early in 2018 in the U.S.), minimalism is a philosophy to be embraced by all persons old enough to comprehend their own mortality. 

Magnusson’s guide is straightforward and less sentimental than the KonMari Method. It is based on the idea that by organizing your life and home as if you could die the next day, not only will daily life run more smoothly, loved-ones will be spared untold hours sifting through personal belongings trying to figure out what to save, what to sell and what to pitch.  But the process should also be uplifting, allowing individuals to take stock of their lives and make their own decisions regarding their possessions and not leaving it to be taken care of by family or friends.

The author, who describes herself as between 80 and 100 years of age, uses her own life experiences to illustrate how “death cleaning” can help people find joy in minimalism and satisfaction in putting their own house and affairs in order.

To learn more or pre-order the book due out January 2, 2018 follow this link