Early Treatment Can Halt Bunions From Worsening


Sandal season is just around the corner and if bunions are beginning to cause you discomfort, start early to make better choices in footwear and begin corrective care.   A bunion, or bump on the base of the big toe, can cause the joint to move out of place, turning inwards and sometimes damaging other toes.  Foot pain is a common cause of a sedentary lifestyle and may prevent older adults from remaining active.

Although bunions and foot shape do run in families, women are 10 times more likely to develop a deformity of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint at the base of the big toe.  High heels can make the problem worse by forcing weight onto the toes and pregnancy can loosen ligaments and flatten the feet, which may hasten bunions to form.  People who stand or walk all day for their jobs are also more likely to develop a bunion.

Surgery is not usually required to treat bunions and should be carefully considered as the healing time can be between 6 and 12 weeks and may not resolve all symptoms.   But there are steps you can take to help prevent bunions from worsening and becoming painful.  When the joint of the big toe angles inwards severely, older adults may find footwear to be uncomfortable and begin to stop doing their regular activities as a result of painful feet.  This lack of physical activity can in turn lead to a loss of function, independence and quality of life.

Steps to Manage Bunions

  • Avoid narrow-toed shoes that cram toes together.
  • Stay away from heels higher than one inch and look for sturdy, supportive, soft leather shoes.
  • Talk with a podiatrist about an orthotic shoe insert to help position the foot correctly.
  • Cushion a bunion with moleskin or other pad to ease painful pressure from shoes.
  • Try soaking in warm water, using ice packs or ibuprofen when the joint is irritated.
  • Talk with your doctor about the possible benefits of ultrasound, massage or cortisone injections.

Bunions aren’t just a cosmetic foot issue, they can cause the joint in the toe to become stiff and painful and create problems that affect other toes and areas of the feet when weight is shifted off the source of the pain.   Early treatment can help halt or slow the progression of bunions.  To learn more about causes, symptoms and treatment of bunions visit the American Podiatric Medical Association by following this link.