Go Go Grandparent: Concierge Service for Seniors

Once seniors stop driving, getting around can become increasingly difficult, especially when public transportation is not convenient.  Although the idea of Uber, an on-demand driving service, makes sense for elderly adults, many don’t own or want to learn to use a smartphone.   That’s exactly how Go Go Grandparent was born.  Grandson and co-founder Justin Boogaard wanted to give his grandmother a simple-to-use concierge service that she could access to maintain her independence while aging in place.

Available in the all the United States, seniors can use a landline or not-so-smart cell phone to call for rides, order food, refill prescriptions, order groceries or have a caregiver check in on them.  Families can receive updates by text when grandma or grandpa goes out or places an order, keeping loved-ones informed about what’s happening when they can’t be there.  These updates can provide vital information about changes in patterns or behavior and family can also be given updates by caregivers about any changes in health of elderly loved-ones.

To check pricing and availability near your visit the company website at https://gogograndparent.com or call 855 464-6872.