Key Supplements for Older Men

Fall always seems to be the right time to settle down and take care of the things that, while time consuming, help protect our health.  Making doctors’ appointments, scheduling vision or hearing tests and seeing the dentist are all important to age optimally.  It’s also a great time to purge the medicine cabinet and get rid of expired medicine, vitamins and supplements and re-stock before the weather turns.

Much attention is paid to what vitamins and supplements women should be taking in older age to improve or maintain their well-being.  But we hear a lot less about what men should think about including in their diet later in life.  Below are a few of the top recommended supplements for older men.

Three Key Supplements for Older Men

  1. To help prevent bone and muscle loss in older age, the International Osteoporosis Foundation recommends 800-1000IU each day of Vitamin D; this dose may need to be increased in those with osteoporosis, who have very limited sun exposure, are obese or have malabsorption problems.  Experts believe that with proper Vitamin D supplementation, many fractures as a result of falls could be prevented.
  2. Up to 80 per cent of North Americans are deficient in magnesium, which helps regulate metabolism, blood pressure and sleep cycles.  It has also been linked with prevention of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and migraines but because soils are often depleted of this mineral even those who eat a healthy diet rich in leafy greens, nuts and beans may not be getting enough.  It is recommended that adults supplement 3 milligrams per pound of body weight.   A 165 lb person would take 500 milligrams each day but adults that consume a lot of foods rich in magnesium should cut that dose in half.    New research has also linked magnesium levels in blood with the risk for developing dementia later in life.  Low levels could increase dementia risk.
  3. Omega 3 rich fish oils can help protect the heart and may also improve cognitive function, lessen depression and elevate mood.  Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties which may have the added benefit of reducing muscle and joint aches and improving skin’s appearance.  One to three grams of DHA and EPA fish oil is usually recommended.  Liquid fish oil can be more potent and dosage should not exceed four grams per day.

Always ask you doctor or pharmacist about any possible drug interactions or side effects before taking any supplements and use only trusted brands recommended by your health care provider.