Preparing for Winter Roads

All too quickly, frost on the pumpkin will also mean scraping car windows in the coming weeks and seniors can prepare themselves and their vehicles for winter driving with the help of a refresher driving course.

The 55 Alive Driver Refresher Course is designed to help older drivers sharpen their skills, maintain their independence and prepare for winter driving.  For more information about a course in your area contact the Canada Safety Council at 613-739-1535.

Seniors can also prepare their vehicle with pre-season maintenance, making sure fluids are topped up and equipping the car with a scraper and brush, emergency supply kit, jumper cables, sand, salt or cat litter, a tow rope and road flares.  For a more information about preparing for winter road conditions check out the Government of Canada’s website at:

Drivers may also want to consider switching over to winter tires which not only grip frozen roads but also give drivers a much shorter stopping distance than all season or summer tires.  Don’t forget to replace torn or worn wiper blades and have your battery checked to ensure it won’t die when lower temperatures result in diminished power output.

For more winter driving tips visit the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety website at: .