Proms Catching on for Older Adults

Why should young people have all the fun?  With prom season upon us, local seniors centers are picking up on the Spring theme and hosting proms for older adults who still enjoy getting dressed up, dancing and perhaps re-living a few cherished memories.

No matter the age, many men and women look forward to dressing the part, buying the corsage and cutting a rug.  Some events even include voting for a king and queen of the ball.  Senior citizen proms give older residents something fun to look forward to and for those who perhaps didn’t attend their own prom, a second chance to enjoy the experience.

The ladies gain an excuse to get their hair and nails done, pick out a dress and feel like a girl again.  And gents, especially in the older generation, remember a time when dressing up to go dancing was a normal Saturday night.   Preparing for prom may also convince seniors to take lessons to brush up their skills and may even spark a new or renewed love of music and dance.

And besides the social benefits, dancing helps keeps seniors active both physically and mentally by coordinating movements with music.   Learning new steps can give the brain a boost by improving memory skills and a 2014 study out of Saint Louis University found that older adults who participated in a low-impact dance program over 12 weeks were able to reduce their pain medication intake by 21 per cent. Dance also can also result in better balance, reduced stress, increased stamina, better posture and has been associated with improved bone density.

To learn more about dance programs and opportunities, check with your local senior’s center or dance studios for classes tailored to older adults.  Whether it’s ballroom dancing, salsa, tap or jazz, seniors dance classes are available in most communities.