Quitbit – Track Your Smoking To Quit

We know smoking can cause serious health problems including increasing your risk for heart attack, stroke, bronchitis, cataracts and cancer, but many older adults may wonder if it’s too late for quitting to make a difference in their lives.

Quitting smoking has health benefits at any age; within 20 minutes after quitting your heart rate drops, 12 hours later carbon monoxide levels return to normal and within 3 months, risk for heart attack decreases and lung function improves.

Technology can help us be aware of our activity level by tracking our steps and heart rate and now a lighter can help smokers who want to cut back or quit, track their smoking habits.

Quitting smoking cold turkey is not recommended by many health professionals, nicotine withdrawal is a powerful force and although nicotine replacement therapy increases success rates, gradual reduction in combination with nicotine gum or patches can also be a winning combination.

That’s where Quitbit comes in. Developed in 2013, Quitbit is a lighter that tracks your smoking. It has a built in display and also connects with a smartphone app to offer support and feedback to help you make healthier choices. The device uses a heating coil so no gas or flames are required and it automatically tracks each time you have a cigarette. You won’t lose the lighter if it is synced with your phone and a single charge will last a full week.

Quitbit allow the smoker to see exactly how much they are smoking and gradually reduce their cravings until quitting is achievable. The app tracks not only smoking, but how much money you save by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked over time. It also allows you to set individual goals and share progress with other Quitbit users.

To learn more about quitting smoking in older age, visit SmokeFree 60Plus developed by the National Cancer Institute. For purchase information visit www.quitbitlighter.com or www.amazon.com .