Sex and the Modern Senior

Best know for his 1978 song, Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?, rocker Rod Stewart is living proof that sexuality can thrive long after middle age.  Stewart, still touring at 70, is also father to eight children, the youngest a son who turns 4 in February.

Seniors are living longer, healthier lives and so it stands to reason that they are remaining sexually active into their 70’s and 80’s.  Although natural aging and health issues may affect sexual arousal and performance,  lubricants and medications can help overcome these obstacles.

Don’t listen to Miley Cyrus who recently told Matt Lauer she thought people stop having sex at age 40.  It may not be the same, hormone-driven sex but perhaps it’s better.

Author of Naked at Our Age: Taking Our Loud About Senior Sex and Better Than I Ever Expected:  Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty,  Joan Price says sex at 50 or 70 may be more satisfying than ever.

Seniors who have regular sex report happier relationships, better sleep, and even a reduction in migraines.  Mature couples have sex for pleasure as well as intimacy and have the time to slow down and enjoy the feelings.  They also have the maturity and communication skills to talk about their own needs, resulting in a more pleasurable experience for both partners.

The U.S. Department of Health released a report that confirms older people are remaining sexually active later in life.  In fact, there has been a dramatic rise in S.T.D.’s among older Americans.  This is attributed to not only to living longer but living in close proximity.  A article in the January 18 2014 issue of the New York Times compared modern retirement communities to college campuses.  “They cram a lot of similarly aged people together, and when they do, things naturally happen.”

Talking with your doctor honestly about sex will open the door for a safe and satisfying sex life.