Technology Can Help Us Straighten Up

Over time our spines can become bent and hunched due in part to poor posture and without our mothers nearby to constantly correct our slouching, middle aged and older adults are finding technology can provide the nudge they need to straighten up before the damage becomes permanent.

There are several sensors on the market including the Lumo Lift Posture Coach, UpRight and the iposture monitor which gently remind you with a vibration to straighten up when you start to slouch.  Sensors are places on the skin or clipped on near the collarbone or at the lower back.  Other features may include step and calorie counting as well as progress tracking though a connected app.  Some sensors also track how many hours you spend sitting each day, often far more than we imagine. With a little research, you can find the model that will best suit your needs.

Be sure to follow the directions for use;  wearing any sensor too long may initially result in fatigue and sore muscles.  Better posture will not only help prevent curvature of the spine but may also improve breathing by giving lungs more room to expand, may help protect joints by keeping the spine in alignment and will engage core muscles which support your back.

Correct posture also improves how we look and by standing straight with shoulders open, we appear taller and yes, thinner.  According to an article in the psychophysiological journal Biofeedback,  standing tall also gives us a sense of confidence and with a deep breath, a stretch and a posture correction, we can improve energy and mood as well as boost stamina.

For more information about posture, spine health and for exercises, you can download the free StraightenUp Canada app or watch exercise videos online by visiting h .