Turning Senior Discounts into Charitable Donations

Seniors are entitled to many discounts and often they go unused but with the help of a new app, those discounts can be tracked and reinvested in communities through donation.  The idea is not completely new, many communities offer reward points to residents who recycle and these points can be donated to schools and other charities.  But tapping into discounts as a source of donations is novel.

Boomerang Giving is a registered non-profit organization started in 2013 in the Seattle area.  It offers older Americans a simple way to give back to their communities by redirecting senior discounts.  Small discounts accumulated by seniors over weeks and months can add up to a significant donation for charities and nonprofits of their choice.

Older adults can download the Boomerang Giving mobile app through iTunes or Google play to help track senior discounts.   By watching and asking for discounts at movie theaters, museums, grocery stores,  pharmacies or restaurants, seniors can accumulate savings and donate some or all to partner charities or directly to a charity of their own choosing.

Keep in mind that many senior discounts aren’t just available to older adults 65 and up, many adults over the age of 50 are considered seniors and entitled to a discount, sometimes only on certain days of the week.   Getting in the habit of asking about a senior discount each time you make a purchase can quickly add up to significant savings and if you are in a giving frame of mind, a healthy charitable donation.   To discover some of the many places seniors may be able to find a discount, visit the Retired Brains website here.

To learn more about Boomerang Giving visit the non-profit’s website by following this link.