Gift Ideas for Grandparents That Won’t Add Clutter

The age of simplifying, decluttering and downsizing is here to stay if the success of books like The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo, are any indication.  Then along come the holidays and it’s time for grandparents to find new ways to delight their grandchildren with just the right gift.  But before opening your bidding on Hatchimals or a Nintendo NES, there are a number of great gift ideas that will keep the kids occupied without breaking the bank or cluttering up the house, again.

Rather than spending countless hours and often too much money trying to let family members know they are special and you are thinking of them, try instead to focus on activities you can enjoy together.  Alternatives to purchasing yet another video game or lego set may be to consider theater, concert or movie tickets, a membership to the zoo or science center, cooking lessons or a weekend ski trip.  Animal lovers can gather a gift bag of pet essentials to donate together at a local animal shelter or sponsor an animal in need.

And if you must have something wrapped, a good rule of the thumb is:

  • Something to wear – a new winter coat? boots?
  • Something they need – sports equipment? new dance shoes?
  • Something to read – try a classic you can both enjoy
  • And something they really want (within reason)

Other gifts that might create memorable moments between generations include art supplies, sleds or ice skates.  Handy grandparents can teach a class in knitting, sewing or wood working and wrap supplies for the project little hands can unwrap.  With a touch of creative thought, the holidays can be less about the purchases and stuff and more about the time we spend with one another.

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