How Firm Is Your Grip?

A firm handshake may be an indicator of overall health, especially concerning undetected diabetes and high blood pressure, according to a recent study from the University of Florida.

The July 29, 2015 University of Florida News reports that grip strength may help identify diabetes and high blood pressure in the group of adults known as the “skinny fat”. The term refers to adults who may have a normal weight but have a high proportion of fat to lean muscle.  These people may not seek medical screening for hypertension or diabetes because they aren’t overweight according to the body mass index alone.

Healthy Weight Obesity is becoming a greater health concern as the “skinny fat” group of adults are four times more likely than those with lower body fat to develop high blood pressure, high blood sugar and abnormal cholesterol.

Grip strength testing would be an inexpensive and non-invasive means of evaluating patients who may require further testing.

The finding of the study are published online in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine.