Mobile Stroke Units Rush Help to Patients

Getting treatment for a stroke quickly is of the greatest importance to help minimize brain trauma that can lead to long-term disability.  A delay of just 30 minutes in treating stroke can significantly decrease the likelihood that patients will make a full recovery and be able to continue to live independently.  That’s why Mobile Stroke Units, while costly, may help improve outcomes for patients and over time reduce healthcare costs by lessening the need for ongoing patient care. 

According to the American Heart Association, Mobile Stroke Units equipped with portable CT scanners allow an ischemic stroke caused by a clot blocking blood flow to the brain to be diagnosed more quickly.  Research has found that faster treatment for strokes onboard these mobile units improve health outcomes for patients.  Once a stroke is diagnosed, a trained technician can immediately administer the injectable drug alteplase to break up and dissolve any blood clots. 

When ischemic stroke patients receive treatment within an hour after a stroke occurs, evidence shows that recovery is better and more complete.  With a faster diagnosis and treatment, brain damage is less likely to be permanent and lead to disability and difficulty with activities of daily life.  Because brain cells begin to die within minutes after blood supply is blocked or reduced, getting prompt treatment is vital to prevent brain damage.  

Know the Symptoms

  • Trouble speaking or difficulty understanding what others are saying
  • Paralysis or numbness of the face, arm, or leg
  • Sudden vision problems in one or both eyes.
  • Headache
  • Sudden dizziness, balance problems, or loss of coordination

Source:  Mayo Clinic

If you or someone you’re with shows symptoms of a stroke seek medical attention immediately.  Use the FAST method to help determine if someone is experiencing a stroke.