Norma Kamali Shares Secrets to Powerful Aging

Iconic fashion designer Norma Kamali, age 75, remains passionate and creative in her career and her personal life, and she shares her recipe for “aging with power” in her newly released first book, I Am Invincible.   Kamali, who is recently engaged to be married, hopes her words can help women age with optimism, self-love, curiosity, bravery and relevance, according to a recent essay published by Shriver media’s Sunday Paper. 

Kamali says in her writing that by cultivating a positive, healthy lifestyle, people of all ages can stay engaged and find joy in getting older.  By staying physically active, eating a healthy diet, getting proper rest and finding meaning in life, older adults can age positively; sincerely believing that the best is yet to come. 

As people grow older, their self-awareness also grows and letting go of societal pressure can be liberating.  Feeling empowered by health and optimism has allowed Norma Kamali to continue to create, tackle exciting new projects and attract people who demonstrate their love and respect. 

What does the clothing designer tell women (and men) about dressing?   Be yourself, and dress not how others may expect but what feels authentic, relevant and uplifting.  Most people know by middle age what works on their body and what clothes, accessories and personal style make them feel comfortable, positive and powerful.  Trends come and go, but feeling confident about how you look and the image you present to the world never gets old. 

Older adults are living longer, but to truly enjoy and make the most out of greater longevity, Kamali highlights the importance of remaining healthy, learning new things, staying curious and opening oneself up to new ideas, new opportunities.  

Order Kamali’s first book or check out her new skincare line for men and women, Normalife, along with her clothing designs on her website here.   Look out for her furniture line, coming soon. You can also watch videos and practice stretching and fitness exercises alongside Kamai with her Be Fit; Don’t Quit YouTube channel.