Windowsill Gardening for Seniors

With planting still a few months away, early Spring is an excellent time to consider starting a windowsill garden. The seedlings can be transplanted outdoors once the danger of overnight frost is passed or they can be moved into larger plants and kept indoors or on a patio.

For many people over 60, gardening is a rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed into very old age. Starting tomatoes or herbs in a kitchen window is a daily reminder that warmer weather is on its way.

Look for a sunny, south facing window or add a fluorescent grow lights to help in shadier areas. A terrarium may be a good investment to keep young plants in a moist environment. Pots should have enough room for a root system and provide good drainage. Many small kits also contain seeds along with pots and a planting mixture. What a great early Mother’s Day gift which provides an activity that can be enjoyed by children and grandchildren as well.

Best of all, the maintenance of a windowsill garden is low with good rewards. There is no back-breaking weeding or bending and nothing adds flavor to food like fresh basil or chives. The garden and its progress is also a great way to engage an elderly person in something they can discuss with friends and family.